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AC Solenoid Brake AC Solenoid Brake

AC Solenoid Brake

4,500 आईएनआर/टुकड़ा

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  • प्रॉडक्ट टाइप AC Solenoid Brake
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एसी सोलेनॉइड ब्रेक मूल्य और मात्रा

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एसी सोलेनॉइड ब्रेक उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • AC Solenoid Brake

एसी सोलेनॉइड ब्रेक व्यापार सूचना

  • मुंद्रा, भारत
  • 10 प्रति सप्ताह
  • 5-8 दिन
  • Yes
  • नमूना लागत, शिपिंग और करों का भुगतान खरीदार द्वारा किया जाना है
  • कार्टून बॉक्स पैकिंग
  • मिडल ईस्ट अफ्रीका उत्तरी अमेरिका
  • ऑल इंडिया
  • एक आईएसओ 9001: 2008 प्रमाणित कंपनी 7

उत्पाद विवरण

AC Solenoid Brake that are suitable for AC supply up to 400 to 440 volts, and are available for a wide range of drum sizes from 100 mm to 380mm Dia. We stand in the midst of prominent electromagnetic brakes suppliers based in India.

Since these brakes are in normally closed position, the release of the Brake shoes is affected by energizing the electro magnetic coil, which overcomes the spring force and the shoes are moved clear off the drum by lever/arm linkage system so that the drum is free to rotate without any friction.

When the power in given to the Electro Magnetic coil the coil gets energized and in turn pulls the plunger down. The plunger in turn operates the arm of the brakes and the brake opens. The design of the brake is such that as the lining keeps wearing out due to normal operation of the brake, adjusts itself on its own to achieve the rated toque. When specified, brake drum or drum coupling both pin bush type and flexible geared type can be supplied along with the brakes.

AC Solenoid Brake Specifications:

1. Voltage: 400 - 440 V

2. Power Source: Electricity

3. Material: Mild Steel

4. Frequency: 50-60 Hz

AC Solenoid Brake Video:

Download PDF of AC Solenoid Brake:

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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